Information for Traders at NGG

Thank you for your interest in trading at NGG. Northern Green Gathering is a not for profit company, and the company and event are run by volunteers. We really appreciate your support in making this event a success.

Please read the information below before completing a traders application form.

General Information

Northern Green Gathering is a four-day camping event at Newland Park in Normanton, Wakefield. Our shared vision is to encourage sustainability. This is achieved by providing fun and affordable green entertainments and services over this time. Nature is the key to this Gathering. Northern Green is about hope and belief in working together to make a positive change in our own lives and the lives of future generations.

Ethical Policy

    Northern Green Gathering –

– Supports ‘green living’, ethical companies, local community networks and hand-crafting. We encourage traders that support this ethos.

– We encourage buying from independents rather than multi-nationals and ask that you be organic wherever possible.

–  We need you to show that you are aware of green issues and that your goods come from ethical sources. ‘Fair Trade’ products are encouraged, as is reduced packaging, and hand crafted products will be viewed most favourably in your application.

Recycling and Rubbish

– You are required to separate recyclable items, glass, compost and non recyclables into separate bags that will be provided for you (additional ones will be available on site during the event, and at the end). In previous years we have had the problem of some traders and caterers leaving bags of unsorted rubbish at the recycling points when they leave at the end. It is not acceptable to do this at our event. Apart from leaving an unpleasant and unnecessary task for volunteers who have the site to tidy up at the end of the event, it shows a lack of understanding and respect for the nature of our event.

 In order to encourage proper sorting of disposable items we have introduced a £50 deposit that will be returned to traders if they have demonstrated to us that they have left their pitch tidy and separated their rubbish as described above

Pitch Fees

The basic pitch fee is calculated by number of staff members, dependants and vehicles and is in line with our public earlybird ticket prices. This is intended to prevent traders from bringing large crews of friends and family who are not working on the stall.

One vehicle pass is included for free and this vehicle may be parked at the stall. Any extra vehicles will be charged at the public ticket rates.

Tickets are £80 per adult (18+), £50 per teenager (13-17), £30 per child (6-12), £40 per large vehicle, and £25 per car. We also ask for 15% of any profits made in excess of the basic pitch fee.

We will endeavour to inform all applicants whether they have been successful within a few weeks of receiving the application. Once your application has been approved, you will receive an invoice for payment. Payment for stalls should be made before 1st July at the latest. Your pitch is not considered confirmed until payment has been received.

Good luck with your application.

Traders Terms and Conditions

 1.     Traders should only sell goods of the type specified in their application.

 2.    To ensure public safety and as a condition of our licence traders must not sell Items of the nature of those referred to in points 2.1-2.5. Traders found selling these goods will be asked to cease trading immediately. 

     2.1   Body piercing equipment,

     2.2   Lasers

     2.3   Sky lanterns, fireworks, candle flares or such like.

     2.4   Weapons or potential weapons or explosives 

     2.5   Alcohol or cigarettes

3.     No electricity for traders will be provided unless by prior arrangement, e.g. to power sound and lighting for a stage. The event is fully powered by renewable energy sources, therefore all diesel/petrol generators are forbidden on site. Units need to have self-contained power sources such as solar, batteries, or gas. All electrical equipment on site must have a current safety certificate. All gas equipment in catering units must have current safety certification. Safety precautions regarding storage must be followed.

4.   The trading license covers the period from 2pm on the Thursday until 12 (noon) on the Monday. To limit traffic activity once the gathering is open traders are requested to be at their pitch by 11am on the Thursday, and it is preferable to arrive before 7pm on the Wednesday. Traders should be ready to trade by 4pm on the Thursday, and remain at their site until 9 am on the Monday unless agreement is reached to move vehicles outside these times. 

5.   Non-food trading hours are 8am – 11pm, no trading will be allowed outside these hours.  

     Traders may operate reduced opening times, however, it is expected that stalls will be open between 10am and Dusk. 

6.   It is the Trader’s responsibility to comply with legislation relating to Health, Safety, Hygiene, Noise at Work and Working at Height, as appropriate for their stall.

7.  Written Food Safety Management Procedures are required by law, and must be available for inspection. All food traders must be registered with a local authority as appropriate.

8.    It is the Traders responsibility to ensure that they have in place appropriate Employers’ Liability and Public Liability Insurance, certificates to this effect must be on display in stalls at all times if appropriate.

9.   All traders must adhere to the requirements of the smoke free legislation as appropriate, which includes displaying the statutory A5 ‘no smoking’ sign.

10.   No sound systems are allowed on site. However personal music may be played as long as the music does not impact beyond the trader’s space, the volume will be monitored and Traders may be requested to turn any music off.

11.    No broadcasting of sound or visual images (including transmitting or casting text messages or other material to mobile phones) will be permitted by any trading staff or from any stall without prior permission.

12.   Traders are responsible for managing waste in the 10-metre area in front of their stalls and the back of market space. To support the green ethos it is required that rubbish is put into the appropriate bins and that Traders leave their site clear of rubbish. (see above)

13.   Vehicle movements must be kept to a minimum. Only authorised vehicle movements may take place during the licence period. A 5-mph speed limit is in force on site at all times.

14.    All vehicles are brought on site at their owners’ risk, and must be suitably insured.

      Northern Green Gathering cannot accept any responsibility for any loss or damage that may occur.

15.   Traders must co-operate fully with Security in any search of vehicles or stalls.

16.   Well-behaved dogs may be brought to NGG by prior arrangement only, as we need to monitor numbers of dogs attending. Please do not bring cats or other animals, as we cannot guarantee their safety.

17.  Traders are not permitted open fires. Barbeques and contained fires may be used if sited safely and managed carefully. Stalls will need to have their own fire extinguishers if any cooking stoves or other flammable items are used.

18. Traders are required to co-operate fully with Site Management, Security, Emergency Services, Police, Environmental Health Officers, Fire Officers, Customs and Excise staff, the Environment Agency, Trading Standards Officers and Inland Revenue staff.

19.     No rebates will be given to traders as a result of adverse weather conditions.

20.    Northern Green Gathering does not accept responsibility for the level of trading during the event.

 This may seem like a lot of rules and regulations, but these are in place to make sure that everyone is working together on the same basis and knows what we expect. They also ensure that NGG complies with the Local Authority licensing requirements, and with the stated Aims and Objectives of the event.

All the rules have a reason and are not there for their own sake, so we hope you will comply with them. If a Trader does not comply with these rules they may not be asked back the following year or we may even be required to ask them to leave the site.


The Northern Green Gathering Directors